
Some controversial stuff

I've been reading Newsgames and generating some new ideas about games and world. About the way I see world and what's right or wrong in it. But that's still not really clear (is it ever going to be?) in my head.
The book is good. I have skipped most of the third chapter which talks about info-graphs for now. I'll come back to that one day.
Fourth chapter is all about documentary and stuff. It's good.
There was some games mentioned in Newsgames which looked interesting and now I've came across them once more. But this time it happened on the web.

Molleindustria  is really extraordinary source of controversial games. So if you're into different kind of stuff go there and check something out.

"Since 2003 we produced homeopathic remedies to the idiocy of mainstream entertainment in the form of free, short-form, online games. Our products range from satirical business simulations (McDonald’s Video game, Oiligarchy) to meditations on labor and alienation (Every day the same dream, Tuboflex, Unmanned), from playable theories (the Free Culture Game, Leaky World) to politically incorrect pseudo-games (Orgasm Simulator, Operation: Pedopriest)."


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